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As a teacher, Ludwig sets exactly the right tone by asserting herself firmly as the person in charge, yet with an inviting warmth and charm. She is not shy about bestowing compliments when warranted, but she is an exacting teacher, not reluctant to cut off a singer after two or three notes to correct an errant rendition.
Professor of Music History and Theory Royal Holloway, University of London. This is the website of the musicologist J. Prospective undergraduate students should visit the Royal Holloway Music Department website. He also maintains the Golden Pages.
Sistema Electrónico de Edição de Revistas. Nova série é publicada online duas vezes por ano e inclui dossiers temáticos e artigos de investigação, assim como recensões de livros, fonogramas e outros suportes digitais. O português e o ingl.
Adventures in Music Education Research. One of my first tasks was to decide what to present.
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